If you are here, chances are we know each other personally or professionally. If you just stumbled across-here is a bit of background to give you a better idea of what Literacy Tweets is all about.
My name is Kim Harkreader, and I am a k-5 Title I Reading Specialist in Gallatin, TN. This is a brand new role for me as I just completed my final year teaching 4th grade after 7 years and left my school home of 11 years. However, I am so anxious to begin this new phase in my professional career and am excited to be joining a faculty and staff that is so student focused. The R.E.A.C.H. (Reading Empowers All Children's Hopes) Program has 2 reading specialist and 6 papa professionals. I am lucky to be working with a seasoned reading specialist and am looking forward to collaborating and learning so much from her.
During my time in the classroom, I always enjoyed sharing the students' learning with others through our class website, harkreaderhills.com. Many years I would try to maintain an additional website for teachers but was just never able to juggle both sites. Literacytweets.com is a combination of sharing the great learning the students in R.E.A.C.H. are experiencing while also supporting teachers with their literacy instruction. I aim to provide literacy strategies and lessons that will support our local Scope of Work, as well as, intense literacy support for our Tier II and Tier III learners.
Thanks for visiting the site and I hope in time it may provide you with something you found effective for you and your literacy learners.
Thanks for visiting the site and I hope in time it may provide you with something you found effective for you and your literacy learners.
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