
Sunday, September 13, 2015

Kick-off 2015-2016 School Year

Welcome to school year 2015-2016! The fact that I am just now posting as we begin week 6 of the semester shows just how busy it has been! I'm going to try and play post catch-up and share all the happenings! Sure is a lot to tweet about!

2015-2016 Kick-off
As a Title I Reading Specialist, my back to school role is to communicate our program with the families. This year our "hook" was a back to school photo booth. The families get a ticket directing them to the computer lab. there they view an online story book about our program and complete a REACH survey and SCS survey. They then fill out the ticket and make their way to the photobooth. The ticket has the student name, teacher's name, and photo number. This was key in ensuring we could get the photo back to the right student. Here's some pics of a great kick-off to a sensational school year!
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